V.O.F. R. Verduin
VOF R. Verduin is situated at the Voorweg 9 in Heemskerkerduin. We grow tulips and Antirrhinum.
The Antirrhinum are grown in the full ground outside. This way, we improve the quality of the flowers. We grow Antirrhinum from June to Octobr. All Antirrhinum are sold via the Royal FloraHolland Auction House in Aalsmeer.
Also, in winter time, we grow tulips in the full ground in rollable glass houses. Via a cooperation with a bulbgrower from De Goorn, we solely grow new and exclusive tulips. These are available from January to April. The offer is also viewable on the website of UitHeemskerk.nl. Our tulips are sold via the Royal FloraHolland Auction House in Aalsmeer.
Apart from these flowers, we also breed new sorts of tulips. For more information about this: find JVerduin Tulpenveredeling on Facebook!
V.O.F. R. Verduin
Voorweg 9, Heemskerk