Kwekerij TUNEZO
Kwekerij TUNEZO is a floriculture company owned by Ben Jansen.
The name TUNEZO is a merger of the words Tulip, Nerine and Zomerbloemen (summer flowers). The company of Ben Jansen is founded in 1955 when father Ab started at the location where the company still resides. Ben took the company over in 1994, after working together with his father for 10 years. From that moment the company was known under the name TUNEZO.
Under the name TUNEZO the company is known with the buyers as the producer of beautiful and special flowers. Not only are the summer flowers the beautiful, niche, products, but also in the area of Tulips and Nerine offers TUNEZO more beautiful and surprising innovations.
Every year there are new kinds of Tulips tested in the rolling greenhouse. Through these test the flower business are kept up-to-date about the renewal in the assortment. The same strategy is being used with the Nerine.
With the summer flowers is TUNEZO focused on innovation. At the company there are a few exquisite innovation when it comes to Agapanthus, Eryngium, Echinacea, Lysimachia and Peony. By cultivating in the rolling greenhouses there is always a certainty of the outstanding quality of the tulip innovations. Not only through cultivating, but also through special care that is being spent in processing the flowers, there is being added a little bit more to the already good quality. Those who buy flowers from TUNEZO, know that everything is all right.
There are a lot of things that you can do well, but if no one knows about it, it doesn’t work. By cooperating with Summerflowers TUNEZO hopes that everyone will be up-to-date about what happens in this small company in Heemskerk. We hope that the extra ordinary, but elegant black business cards, together with the Summerflowers logo, will catch some eyes.
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Kwekerij TUNEZO
Cieweg 5, 1969 MS Heemskerk